Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
ASC 2025 - Online abstract submission form

Welcome to the online abstract submission form for the RACS ASC 2025.

Please take a moment to follow the instructions carefully, as some areas will differ slightly from previous years.

Step 1 of 8: Instructions for presenters

Note: It is recommended that you read and print these instructions to act as a handy guide to submitting an abstract

Subject to your permission granted on the abstract submission page, all abstracts accepted and received by the printer's closing date will be published in a supplement to the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery at the time of the Congress and on the ASC Virtual Congress.

Several points require emphasis:
  1. Authors of research papers who wish to have their abstracts considered for inclusion in the scientific programs at the ASC must submit their abstract electronically via the online abstract submission form having regard to the closing dates in the Call for Abstracts, the provisional program and on the abstract submission site. Abstracts submitted after the closing date will not be considered.
  2. The title should be brief and explicit.
  3. Research papers should follow the format: Purpose, Methodology, Results and Conclusion. Non-scientific papers, for example, Education, History, Military, may understandably depart from the above.
  4. Excluding title, authors (full given first name and family name) and institution, the abstract must not exceed 1,750 characters and spaces (approximately 250 words). In Microsoft Word, this count can be determined from the 'Review' menu. Any references must be included in this allowance. If you exceed this limit, the excess text will NOT be captured in the submission or appear in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery.
  5. Abbreviations should be used only in common terms. For uncommon terms, the abbreviation should be given in brackets after the first full use of the word.
  6. Presentations (slide and video) will only have electronic PowerPoint support. Audio visual instructions will be included in correspondence sent to all successful authors.
  7. Authors submitting research papers have a choice of two sections under which their abstract can be considered. Submissions are invited to any of the specialties or special interest groups participating in the program except cross-discipline.
  8. A 100-word CV is required from each presenter to facilitate their introduction by the chair.
  9. The timing (presentation and discussion) of all verbal presentations is at the discretion of each Section Convener. Notification of the timing of presentations will appear in correspondence sent to all successful authors. Accepted poster presentations will be displayed electronically in the industry exhibition area; there is no verbal component for accepted poster presentations.
  10. Tables, diagrams, graphs, etc. CANNOT be accepted in the abstract submission. This is due to the limitations of the computer software program.
  11. Authors must be registrants at the Congress to present, and for their abstract to appear in the publications, on the website or Virtual Congress.


The submitting author of an abstract will ALWAYS receive email confirmation of receipt of the abstract into the submission site. If you do not receive an email confirmation within 24 hours it may mean the abstract has not been received. In this circumstance, please email the ASC team at the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons ( to determine why an email confirmation has not been received.


All posters will be presented electronically during the Congress and will be available for viewing on plasma screens in the industry exhibition. No set time or verbal component is allocated to e-Poster presentations. Posters will be placed on the Virtual Congress in addition to the abstract. Posters may contain a 2-minute video clip.


Please indicate on the abstract submission site if you want your abstract considered for a research prize. Each abstract may only be submitted for one prize and it is the author's responsibility to ensure they conform to any preconditions (e.g. only open to trainees). Section Conveners will select the best abstracts for presentation to be adjudicated. The awarding of a prize is at the discretion of the adjudication panel.

Best Clinical Research Paper Prize:
Bariatric: The Paul O'Brien Award for Clinical Research in Bariatric Surgery
Breast Surgery: Grantley Gill Breast Surgery Research Prize
Colorectal Surgery: The Mark Killingback prize for the best paper from a Trainee or Fellow within five years of gaining the FRACS
Endocrine Surgery: The Tom Reeve Paper Prize - Trainees
General Surgery
Global Health
Hernia Surgery
HPB Surgery: The David Flecther Award for Clinical Research in Hepatobiliary Surgery
Indigenous Health
Pain Medicine & Surgery
Rural Surgery
Surgical Oncology
Transplantation Surgery
Trauma Surgery: The Damian McMahon Trauma Paper Prize for Trainees
Upper GI Surgery: The Mark Smithers Award for Clinical Research in Upper GI Surgery
Vascular Surgery

Best Non-Clinical Paper Prize:
Bariatric, Hepatobiliary and Upper GI Surgery: The Les Nathanson Translational Research Prize (for research that has been conducted as part of a higher degree and relates to the fields of HPB, UGI or Bariatric surgery)
Health Policy & Advocacy
Surgical Education: The Jenepher Martin Surgical Education Research Prize is open to Fellows as presenting authors or other medical professionals with Fellows as co-investigators of research
Surgical History
Surgical Leaders
Women in Surgery

Best Paper Prize:
ANZ Chapter of the ACS Scientific Forum (Best Paper Prize): for Best Clinical or Non-Clinical Research Paper Prize


Verbal presentation and poster abstract submissions for consideration are now open.

Closing date for all abstract submission consideration is 8:00am Monday 27 January 2025.

Please note that paper or facsimile copies will not be accepted, nor will abstracts submitted by College staff on behalf of authors.

If there are any difficulties regarding this process, please contact the ASC team for assistance
T: +61 3 9249 1150

Please do not type in your abstract directly onto the submission page. Being internet based, each page on the submission site can only be open for 15 minutes before closing. Type your submission on a text document (e.g. Microsoft Word) and copy and paste it into the abstract text field.

Abstract submission opens:October 2024
Closure for all abstracts:8:00am Monday 27 January 2025
Closure of early registration:11:59pm Sunday 16 March 2025


Please click on the button below to begin, where you will be given the opportunity to enter your personal details and submit your abstract. If you have already submitted an abstract for this Congress you will be given the option to update your details and submit additional abstracts.

Please note, you will be asked to identify yourself via your email address.